Monday, May 2, 2011

PV Loves Kids: “Let the Games Begin”

Did you know that a person spends two to three years of his life waiting in line? Or did you know that same person could spend an average of one year traveling from one location to another? That is remarkable. Now imagine that time spent with a child and you may find your heart beating a little faster!

Don’t get me wrong. Sharing the gift of travel with a child is invaluable. It opens the world to them in a way that books and movies cannot. However, the practicality of traveling from point A to point B and everywhere in between can be a bit daunting unless you are prepared.

That old adage “preparation is the key to success”, is basic in parenting. A lack of preparation can turn a vacation into a nightmare. However, a parent can become a “vacation superhero” by adding travel games to your arsenal of fun!

Travel games have been played by generations and promote imagination, creativity, interaction, awareness and education. Give the MP3 players, videogames and DVD players a break and let the games begin.

A to Z Memory Game – See how quickly your family can identify people, places or things that begin with each letter of the alphabet. Start with A, B, C and move on from there. To take it to the next level, English and Spanish words can become fair game.
Dr. (insert child’s name) – “Dr. Miles, I have a problem. I am parasailing above the rolling waves and bird landed on my nose. What should I do?” Have your child solve the problem and take turns. Beware, you may find yourself crying due to excessive laughter.

Educational Games – Make spelling games multi-cultural by using Spanish words such as el gato (the cat) or hola (hello). Use Spanish when playing math and counting games.
• Uno – 1
• Dos – 2
• Tres – 3
• Cuatro – 4
• Cinco – 5
• Seis – 6
• Siete – 7
• Ocho – 8
• Nueve – 9
• Diez – 10
• 2+1 is dos más uno
• 2-1 is dos menos uno
• 2x3 is dos por tres
• 6÷3 is seis dividido entre tres

The First Three Things – This game is perfect for waiting in line. Have your child close his eyes and give him an imaginary location. For example, “Quick, you are riding a horse on the beach. What are the first three things that you see?” You can go back and forth.

License Plates – Mexico has 31 states and one federal district. Get a map of the country and mark which states are represented by the plates that you spot on your adventures. Take it further by making phrases from the letters on each plate. For example, 123-SXC could be “silly xylophones cooing”. Go around and around until you are ready for the next license plate.

Mexican Map Game – If you are traveling by plane, give your child a map (often in the back of travel magazines) and show her where you are traveling and what you may be flying over. Examples could be Disneyland, the Rocky Mountains, Grandma’s house, or a country border.

Once you are in Puerto Vallarta, give her a city map. Have her mark the locations of your sightseeing adventures. This should alleviate some of the “are we there yet’s” and “how much further’s”. Ol’ Fashioned Family Favorites – Who doesn’t love the classics like “Name that Tune”, “Who Am I?” and “I Spy”? And who could forget staring contests and trying to make your sister smile? Try a twist with these two family favorites: “Telephone” with Spanish phrases and “Piedras, Papel, Tijeras” (rock, paper, scissors).

Scavenger Hunt – Parents can make a list of items using anything from a kayak to a mango tree. Prizes can be awarded for completed lists.

Slug Bug – The first one to see a VW bug, shouts “Slug Bug” and slugs their neighbor. (The “Hug Bug” version is bruise-free and helps to prevent fighting.) My family uses this point system:
• Regular VW Bugs: 1 point
• Black VW Bug: 5 points
• Convertible VW Bug: 10 points
• VW Van: 15 points
• VW Bug with a flower (real or painted): 20 points

If you need some additional ideas, many websites have printable activity pages. Travel-sized games and Mad Libs can be slipped into a backpack as a surprise for your trip. Colorful pipe cleaners can be made into shapes and characters with minimum cleanup.

If you have other travel games that your family enjoys, please send them to me at Maybe your ideas will be included in a “Let the Games Begin (Part II)” for other vacation superheroes just like you!

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