Monday, June 6, 2011

Useful Everyday Spanish Phrases

¡Buenos días!
bway-nohs dee-ahs
Hello! / Good morning!

¡Buenas tardes!
bway-nahs tard-ays
Good afternoon!

¡Buenas noches!
bway-nahs noh-chays
Good evening! / Good night!

Good bye.


Por favor.
por fah-bor

(Muchas) Gracias.
(moo-chahs) grah-see-ahs
Thank you (very much).

De nada.
day nah-dah
You’re welcome.

Hasta la vista
Hasta luego.
ah-stah lah vees-tah
/ ah-stah loo-ay-go
See you / See you later.

Lo siento
loh see-ehn-toh
I’m sorry

Con permiso / Perdón / Disculpe
kohn pehr-mee-soh / pehr-dohn / dees-kool-peh
Excuse me / Pardon me

Sí / No
see / noh
Yes / No

Me llamo... / Mi nombre es...
may yah-moh / mee nohm-breh ess
My name is...

¿Hablas inglés?
ah-blahs een-glehs
Do you speak English?

¿Puedes ayudarme?
pweh-deh ah-yoo-dar-meh
Can you help me?

Claro / Claro que sí
klah-roh / klah-roh keh see
Sure / Of course

If you are a first time visitor to Puerto Vallarta, please remember you are in a different country with very different customs besides just the language itself. Mexican people for the most part are very polite, friendly, quite hospitable and usually have big smile on their face.

Many “gringos” not aware of this, especially the ones that have never been outside “Gringolandia”, sometimes come across as demanding and ridiculing.

A kind word, sincere smile and “muchas gracias” go a long ways here in México.

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