Monday, May 2, 2011

Salsa Etiquette

When you’re out salsa dancing etiquette is something dancers should be aware of. Just like in yoga class you shouldn’t wear fragrances, arrive late to avoid disruption and not look at your fellow yoga buddies class too much, there are unspoken rules to follow on the dance floor.

Here are the top 6:
#6- Say NO to B.O. - No one likes to get stuck smelling a stinky dance partner. It’s torture through a 3 -5 minute song. I know we live in hot, humid, sweaty Vallarta but please, be bathed and wear normal deodorant. Not the crystal, hippy kind that has no cancer-causing chemicals but does nothing. Take a chance, at least that night.

#5- No Jealous Territorial Boyfriends- Salsa is a social dance and you’re expected to dance with different partners. It’s just a dance! No need to get freaked out every time your significant other dances with someone else. That’s what they’re supposed to do. A lot of times that passion you see is just a ‘dance connection ‘not necessarily a physical connection. Well, but sometimes it‘s not. Anyway, what I’m trying to say is… really, there’s no need for great concern. After your night of dancing, you are going home with your boyfriend/girlfriend. Everything is copasetic.

#4- No Caveman Behavior- Gentlemen, be gentlemen. Just because you spot a girl that you want to dance with doesn’t mean you can just grab her hand and pull her on the dance floor like you just clubbed her over the head. If she’s with a man, show some manners and first ask her partner/friend if you may dance with her. And if she’s by herself, politely put out your hand and ask for hers.

#3- Keep your Eyes to Yourself- Yes, it important to have eye contact that lends itself to a good connection with your partner. But please Don’t Stare! Looking down isn’t attractive either and neither is staring at your partners chest, so a good rule of thumb is to keep good posture, look up and always look at something at eye level including your partner, but just don’t stare.

#2-Flying Elbows- You’re an awesome dancer. Congratulations. But please be aware that this is a social dance which means that others will also be occupying the same dance floor. Therefore, keep your flips in the air for your times of choreography. And watch your elbows or you might get a knuckle sandwich.

#1- Ladies Don’t Be Hogs- We know there are more men/leaders than there are followers, but please don’t take possession of the leader once you’ve danced one song. Not only does the leader want freedom to dance with other people, often they want a little break before dancing the next song. So ladies, be courteous.

Marcella Castellanos teaches salsa at Yoga Vallarta. You can contact her via Facebook or Twitter at Latin Motion PV or at or visit her blog at

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